San Antonio Bluebonnets – Tips on how to take beautiful pictures safely Last year I had so much fun road tripping and scouting out locations for those perfect bluebonnet photos for our clients.I love seeing all those bluebonnet photos that have popped up on our Instagram and Facebook feed already. Last year I wrote […]

Children, Family

March 20, 2017

10 tips and tricks to taking amazing bluebonnet portraits|San Antonio photographer

A South Texas Bride in a blanket of snow in Colorado!   Laurissa and Eric are finally married! Their winter wedding in Boulder, Co. was one I’ll never forget.  Being from San Antonio, TX. I don’t think there is a way to forget 4 degree snowy weather anyway.  Although the snow way coming down hard that […]

Couples, Engagement, Wedding

February 17, 2017

Gorgeous Winter Wedding in Boulder, CO.|Lionsgate Event Center

  Twins, twice the love, twice the cuteness!   Still trying to catch up on blogging after the busy Christmas season and I’m so excited to finally be able to reveal all the amazing sessions that took place over the last 2 months. It was hard keeping all the cuteness to ourselves, but we didn’t want […]

Children, Family, Holiday

January 23, 2017

Pearl Brewery Family Portraits|San Antonio, TX.

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice… …that’s what little girls are made of.  Isn’t this expecting mama stunning??? We could have photographed her all day.  We had so much fun shooting Marlynne and Robert’s maternity session and can’t wait to meet their sweet little princess in the next few months.

Baby, Grow with Me, Maternity, Rainbow Baby

December 30, 2016

Beautiful Maternity Session|San Antonio Maternity and Newborn Photographer

  Delilah & Freddie’s Christmas Tree Farm Session   You know you have a good friend when you can go long periods of time without talking or seeing each other but when you do, you can pick up right where you left off.  I have known Delilah for over 8 years now and although life […]

Couples, Family

December 16, 2016

Couples Portraits at Christmas Tree Farm